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  • Not too Rotten for God

     Christine updated 2 years, 1 month ago 1 Member · 1 Post
  • Christine

    April 6, 2022 at 8:24 am

    I was asked by a dear friend if I wanted 2 -3# bags of pears. When I looked at the pictures she sent, I thought to myself, “these are so rotten, I’d be lucky to even get enough to make a crisp because of all the bad spots I saw. And they look like they had been hit with a baseball bat! 😂 (ok, that last part was a bit dramatic, but that was me yesterday). So I said a begrudging yes to the offer, not wanting to turn it down because of all the Covid craziness at the stores and if they were too far gone, I could just throw them into my compost pile.

    So I put them into the bowl pictured above and started to wash them off.

    I picked the first one up, rinsed it off with water and went to work on the soft, brown spots, peeled off the skin, sliced it and put it in the keep bowl for crisp.

    I picked up the next one, repeating my steps above, washing with water, getting rid of the brown spots, slicing it up and putting it in the keep bowl.

    After about 3-4 pears into the process it started to dawn on me, that, even though these pears looked all beat up and horribly bruised,once the dark/bad spots were removed, the rest of the pear was solid, firm but ripe, and useful for my pear crisp project.

    That’s when it hit me: This is how I see myself everyday. All I see are the dark/bad spots, all my sin and failures and all the days I just can’t get my act together for nothing!!

    BUT GOD SAYS….Christy all I need to do is wash away all those bad spots with the water of the Holy Spirit. Because what is left is solid and useable for my kingdoms glory!!

    So take heart today my beautiful brothers and sisters in Christ, God sees you the same way!! Ask him for his eyesight so you can see yourself as he does, clothed in His Sons righteousness and full of glory!!

    PS….. out of both of these packages of pears there was only 1 pear that was rotten from the inside out. And there was 1 pear that was absolutely blemish free and perfect inside and out

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